Write A Card

Let’s make something beautiful together.

Do you have some extra time to spare? Or you are looking for activities to play with your kids? Or searching for opportunities to help people during this time of uncertainty?

The elders in our community want to hear from you! Our project delivers personalised cards to seniors living in isolation to brighten up their days. Each card is created by people just like you, with a kind, heartwarming messages. Let our seniors know they are loved and we are in this together! You can write by yourself, with friends or families, or even at school or the office.

Start making your card in 3 steps – create, scan, and send!

  • Please use large and legible print.
  • Be creative and have fun! Use a blank card, sketch and draw whatever you want on the front of the card – a good tip is to make your card as what you’d like to receive.
  • Write a kind, sincere and heartfelt message. We encourage you to make it detailed and thoughtful – include a riddle, a simple story. Our seniors love receiving cards that are personal. Please avoid cursive words, politics and religion.
  • Please do not address the card to a specific person – start with a simple greeting: “Hello there,” “Greetings”, or “Dear friend”.
  • Please sign the card with only your first name.
  • Please leave the card undated (day, month, and year).
  • Please make sure the card is readable and printable. If you do not have access to a scanner, please email us and we will make alternative arrangements for you.
  • This is an ongoing project – there’s no deadline and we encourage you to send us as many cards as you’d like!
  • Follow us on social media and share your act of kindness with us! We love seeing and showcasing photos of your card making with everyone. It helps promote our cause more than you know.

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